Margaret Collins

Resources for Resilience

Welcome to my resources page – courses, ebooks and short videos all listed below!

View the Resources for Resilience” video snippets – tips for managing your time, energy and emotional states – tools to help you get back on track or find a better balance. 

Please do sign up for my newsletter to hear about my thoughts about the life the universe and everything and to hear about my online programmes.

Please also connect with me on acebook and Linked 

 Free content

I’ve included some of my top tips and thoughts and made them really easy to read over a tea or coffee break. 

In order to stay legal I need to ask you to sign up in order to receive these books. There’s no sinister motive, I won’t send you spam and you can unsubscribe at any time. I do hope you’ll stay for a while and even revisit as I’m planning to add new content to this resource library. I’d love you to enjoy my occasional newsletters, new books and videos as I create them.

So please, click on the image below, sign up and get your free book. I hope you enjoy the read!

Am I an Imposter? 

This free ebook has 10 simple questions to help you to self-assess how badly you are affected by imposter feelings and behaviours.

I reveal three simple and effective first steps to outgrow your imposter today.

There is a part of you that knows you can move beyond imposter feelings...



Am I a Imposter booklet

How to create confidence…

Learn simple and effective ways you can grow in confidence today:

  • The 4 step process of natural confidence
  • What confidence means for you
  • Three ways to feel more confident
  • Three ways to look more confident.

It really is possible to learn to feel more confident, to be comfortable in your own skin and be your best self when you need to show up.


Confident Speaking cover

How to create more time…

This ebook reveals the real reason things get done – or not. You’ll also learn:

  • The art of choosing priorities
  • How action comes before motivation
  • How setting tight deadlines can be key
  • Why permission to take a break can be motivating.

To get different results you need to take different actions… start with a decision to do something different today.


How to create more time cover
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome Feelings free mini-course

Tools to overcome your Imposter Syndrome Feelings!

This mini course will help you if you are:

  • fed up with not feeling good enough,
  • frustrated that you are holding yourself back in your business or professional role,
  • ready to overcome your Imposter Syndrome feelings.

Find out more more at

Resources for Resilience – Videos

Short video tips on managing time, energy and emotions.

Click on the tab to view the video of your choice!