Welcome! I’m so very glad you called by.
I know you’ll be busy, maybe wondering if I can help.
Let me show you how you too can confidently be yourself, feeling calm and in control
Margaret Collins
Many of my clients are busy professional women, well qualified, experienced, respected by their peers – yet sometimes they doubt themselves.
They are busy. Stretched thin. Can they really do it all?
For many years I was a very successful senior academic, my colleagues trusted me, respected my work. Me, I was the one who had the doubts and insecurity… was I doing enough, contributing at the highest level, making a difference and being valued?
I trained as a coach to develop my skills as a manager – only then did I learn how Imposter Syndrome feelings contributed to my insecurity.
I learned that I was not alone. Doubting myself was a product of unhelpful thought processes (and a little unconscious bias!).
Literally, change your thoughts and you can change your life. Add new skills and it can feel like everything is different. And like driving a car, this skill set can be learned.

You too can know the joy of feeling confident when stepping up to new challenges.

I am working hard on my grand plan, trying to stick to the key deliverables, regardless of whatever spanners have been thrown into the mix, and there have been a few over this past day or two for sure. I have ‘stood up for myself’ twice today – and have lived to tell the tale (but probably off a few Christmas card lists), so I am learning. Thank you again for your help (my family are very grateful too!).
Some journeys have unexpected destinations.
Really looking at my schedule and commitments, making choices and prioritising the people and things most important to me allowed me to get more meaningful things done with a deeper sense of joy.
Decisions based on my values gave me courage and a great sense of purpose.
As I entered my forties I could see my future would involve caring responsibilities – for aging parents and a disabled sister – so I consciously started to create possibilities for a more flexible career.
Our values may grow as we grow, with calm and courage.

I love working with people to identify their strengths, build their confidence, be the best version of themselves.
For some it’s about stepping up, putting yourself forward and taking a lead – even if you don’t feel like a leader yet – you can overcome Imposter feelings!
Using evidence based techniques, you can learn to choose life, family, friends and career. You will be amazed at who you can become!
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After training as a coach and master practitioner of NLP I developed particular interests in overcoming Imposter Syndrome feelings and in career coaching. I completed advanced study in cognitive behavioural confidence coaching, the neuroscience of coaching and, trained with Dr Brené Brown completing her Daring Way™ and Dare to Lead™ Facilitator programmes. I am now a certified coach and trainer with Dr Joanna Martin’s One Of Many™ and a Voice Dialogue practitioner trained by Annie Stoker of the Life Training Institute. I’m a full member of the Association for Coaching.
This means you benefit from a wide range of skills and styles, combining science and creativity, logic and intuition. Together we can build confidence, create purpose, grow in courage and create lives where career progression is an integral part of a meaningful life. I work within a professional body with a code of ethics and a commitment to ongoing professional development so you can trust that I’m working with the best.
I spend my home life together with my partner, caring for my disabled sister.
We grow vegetables and tend a small flock of 4 cute chickens that add richness and fresh eggs to our life!
As a family we sing and especially enjoy singing camp which combines the joys of being outdoors, community living, great vegetarian food and a rich variety of song.