
A collection of tools and systems to support people while they learn, grow and develop, move towards personal or professional goals, manage change or challenge. Coaching develops clarity, confidence and courage.

Margaret Collins

I work with people who want to make changes.
Some clients know exactly what they don’t want in life – hassle, stress, frustration. We can sort that! We can prioritise your workload and create clear space for the things you feel are important. I can help you build your productivity and develop your strengths. 

Other clients have a better idea of what they do want – more confidence in themselves and their choices. Some seek direction in their careers and support in getting there. I can help you clarify your intentions and priorities.

We can work to develop greater leadership presence or overcome Imposter Syndrome feelings as you move into new roles or climb the career ladder. If you want to reduce the anxiety of always second-guessing yourself, being worried about your work and constantly criticising yourself, I can help you discover how to put your best-self forward with a sense of authentic courage.

Create your own coaching programme or follow one of mine: From Imposter to Empowered or Developing the Confident Leader

Get in touch: click here if you’d like to discuss your options!

Putting plans into action is often easier if you have a companion, a guide, a Coach, someone to remind you, to provide a gentle prod or to hold you accountable.

What do you most need from a Coach?

Sure, I have a tool box full of tests, ideas and resources to help you see a clear way forward, but there’s more. When you hire a Coach you invite me to help your make your goals and your dreams come true.

That can be really powerful.

What coaching do you want?

Each client is different, I listen while you explore what you really need or want, uncovering hidden insights.

Each programme is tailored yet common themes recur, such as developing confidence, leadership skills or moving beyond the frustrations of Imposter Syndrome to feeling empowered. We can develop very practical skills in organisation, prioritisation or dealing with overwhelm.

My goal is to help you find:

  • Clarity – around what you really want and what is holding you back.
  • Confidence – to communicate with clarity and conviction, to manage your workload effectively, set boundaries, to step into your own version of authentic power, to use new tools to dispel limiting beliefs.
  • Courage – to own the truth about yourself, to find what your best-self wants.

The most profound change happens within a customised “Gold Package”, 12 module programme. Typically the sessions can be delivered flexibly, typically every two weeks as agreed at the outset. There will be integration opportunities between sessions and some flexibility to fit around busy schedules.

We meet using telephone calls or Zoom software for audio/video calls. Each call will address elements of teaching, new content or ideas and space for individual personal coaching throughout the programme. The key ideas and activities may be supported through access to online resources containing additional information at key points.

In our opening sessions we build the foundations for our work together, exploring priorities, core values and your optimal needs.

I am qualified to use many different tools and coaching modalities so I can offer the approach that suits you best.

My foundational programme is the 12 module “From Imposter to Empowered” package.

Are you overstretched, overachieving or even overlooked? Maybe you’ve been all 3 at different times!

You might be in a position where leadership – or the opportunity to lead – is before you and you wonder “Am I up to this?”. You doubt whether you’ve really got what it takes though your line manager probably believes in you and your potential. You look up that career ladder and wonder “Do I even want that role? Have I got what it takes? Can I learn the skills to do it well?”.

If only you could turn down the voice of your Inner Critic, you know you are your own harshest judge… maybe perfectionistic, disappointed that you don’t do as well as you’d wish. Sometimes afraid to try you hesitate or hold back.

You have access to a library of recorded video content to support your learning and development as you grow. 

When you complete this programme, you’ll hardly believe the changes, made with ease, while enjoying the journey.

You’ll see yourself, whole. Stepping forward into the opportunity. Owning with a humble pride the difference you make.

You can find more information on the “From Imposter to Empowered” coaching programme content here.

Already in a leadership role? Then explore the “Developing the Confident Leader” 12 module package.

You’re probably in a role where leadership is expected. 

You may be doing this already but you probably feel out of your depth, unprepared, maybe as if you’re making it up as you go along.

You’re probably deep into your “Learning Zone” and wondering why that feels uncomfortable.

In this programme we can explore leadership, how that looks and feels to you. We can clarify the leader you want to be and how you you can grow into that role with authenticity and integrity. You’ll need to manage priorities, juggle roles, build alliances as you grow into or carve out your niche. You’ll want to know who you are and what you stand for.

During this programme we can blend personal and professional development with increasing awareness of leadership skillsYou’ll feel more confident, have a greater presence and have clarity about your way ahead.

You get access to a library of recorded video content to support your learning and development as you grow. 

You can find more information on the Developing the Confident Leader” programme content here.  

Worked with me before? My Essential Accountability, monthly coaching package might work for you.

You’ve probably completed a coaching or training programme with me and want support to keep you on track.

The Essential Accountability package allows you up to 100 minutes a month, typically over 2 calls, to keep you on track while you implement the growth and the changes that you’ve already learned.

You’re looking for consolidation, for a deeper growth through a simple, easily accessible support plan.

What this looks like depends on you, what you bring and where you start.

During this programme you will continue to grow, stay focussed and know you have someone – me – on your team to support you.

Essential Accountability Coaching

Essential Accountability package

  • up to 100 minutes a month
  • typically two Zoom calls
  • keeps you on track

Get me on your team!


The practicalities

Geography isn’t important. We work with telephone and video (Zoom) coaching.

It’s my job to make this as easy as possible! Coaching always starts with a short phone/Zoom call to make sure we are a good fit for each other and then you have two choices:

  1. You can choose a deep dive clarity call where for £397 you can get a detailed pre-session questionnaire and an online PowerTypes® profile before our 100 minute, one-to-one call to explore a decision or challenge that you’re facing.
  2. Alternatively you can invest in a coaching programme (see above) that will give you a deep experience of amazing growth and development. This longer term commitment allows you to test new skills or approaches as you build on your successes, learn from your challenges and rediscover your zest for life!  

“The more insecure or inadequate you feel, the more this programme will help you. The work is effortless but the rewards are extreme. There are no (obvious) challenges, just supportive invitations to practice thinking differently.”

If you have any further questions about coaching, please do get in touch!

As a member of the Association For Coaching, all my work is according to the code of ethics which sets the expectation of best practice in coaching and mentoring.