What is Imposter Syndrome?
Many people experience feelings of anxiety and insecurity. They worry “Am I good enough?”. What marks these feelings as “Imposter Syndrome” is the fact that the person who feels this uncertainty is in a position where they are trusted to do a good job because they have already demonstrated their skills and ability.
I have written about this in an Amazon Kindle book “Beyond Imposter Syndrome: Proven strategies for building confidence and finally feeling ‘good enough’.” You can get your copy of the book here but I suspect you’re here because you already have the book and have more questions.
Am I an Imposter?
The truth is, this isn’t a diagnosable condition.
There are a number of things that people who experience imposter feelings are likely to have in common, things like being different to their peers in some way or having no simple way of judging how well they are doing at work.
All the details are described in my book – “Beyond Imposter Syndrome” – available on Amazon as a Kindle book.
I have created a worksheet of questions for you to answer – to access it, simply enter your name and email in the box below!
Attitudes to success and failure
Often, people who experience imposter feelings hate getting things wrong. Something as simple as not knowing an answer to a question can becore a major source of personal shame. They would rather not try than be seen to fail.
Many people who experience imposter feelings also have very high standards for the work they produce. In principle there’s nothing wrong with this. In practice though, the “high standards” are often unrealistically high. Achieving “perfection” takes long hours of hard work and focus.
Do your attitudes to failure contribute to imposter feelings?
Action Plan
If you want to move beyond your imposter feelings you need to do something different. Often we don’t even know how to begin to change something that feels as if it’s been a part of us for so long.
The good news is that small and consistent actions can change the things we do and the things we feel. It’s not a magic wand but it does work.
I’ve created a three part video series for you to work through…
– choose something,
– do something,
– change something.
Get your free copy: “Am I an Imposter” worksheet.
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