I remember times when I rushed from one task to the next, always playing catch-up. I wondered, “Is it just me?”. 

We want to do our work, lead our teams and have a life we love.  

I’m Dr Margaret Collins. I can help you do less, better.

Many of my clients are women in roles where expertise matters. You’re good at your job, respected by colleagues yet maybe, even after years of training, we wonder, “Am I good enough?”.

Are you reluctant to think of yourself as an expert or take that step into a position of leadership… 

Maybe you’ve already started climbing the career ladder but ask “Do I want this? Do I even have the time or energy to do this?”. 

It’s frustrating. It’s exhausting. It doesn’t need to be this way.

The challenges of trying to do it all while feeling a bit of a fraud

Some patterns recur. Do these sound familiar to you?

  • You feel you’re constantly playing catch-up and a part of you believes it’s your fault, you should be able to cope. 
  • You spend hours editing work. It can feel so difficult to just focus and get stuff done as the to-do list gets longer.
  • A colleague praises your work and you immediately point out all the ways in which it could be even better.
    Your Inner Critic knows you so well…
  • The opportunity is right in front of you… but you don’t volunteer, you watch as someone with less experience gets ahead. Was it a lack of confidence or being on the edge of exhaustion that held you back?  

Young girl in older woman's shoes

Feeling at bit of a fraud: sometimes this presents as:

  • Am I really good enough to be in this role?
  • Does everyone feel like they’re running to stay still or is it just me?
  • I’m not sure why they think I’m so good
  • I wish I was as good as they seem to think I am
  • I should’ve done that better
  • It should’ve felt easier – I struggled too much
  • I’m nothing special, anyone could do that!

    These feelings are all too common and can be changed. 

Book a call with Margaret

Arrange a simple, no obligation conversation. Let’s talk soon!

I’m Dr Margaret Collins, one-time Academic, professional coach, Director of Training for Universities. I’m the author of the Amazon best seller: “Beyond Imposter Syndrome”.

I work with women who want to integrate challenging professional work with meaningful personal lives.

I offer coaching programmes, mentoring and online training programmes so that you can choose the tools you need to be your best.

This might be a combination of practical tools to develop your mental focus or ability to say no. Maybe you want to explore ways to feel more in control or find a state of flow. Perhaps you’re looking for ways to know you are making the right decisions and prioritising the right choices.

I can help you manage your time & energy, build leadership confidence, overcome “imposter” feelings.

Customisable Coaching Packages

How can coaching help you? You can use your coaching package to tackle any challenges you face.

Many of my clients are juggling multiple responsibilities. You may be wondering how you will manage your new role or juggle your work with extra caring demands. Perhaps you’re struggling to demonstrate leadership presence and feel confident in your new role. Maybe you simply want to get more of the right stuff done.

We will adapt and customise any coaching to match your journey, something bespoke, just for you – including elements of mentoring or training as you want. The two most popular themes chosen by my clients are “cultivating confident leadership” and “doing less better”. What most interests you?

Book a call with Margaret

Arrange a simple, no obligation conversation. Let’s talk soon!

I work one to one and in groups, in live sessions and online programmes.

Would you like to find out more?

Why work with me?

The good news is you can develop the courage to step forward, to lead – yourself, your field, your teams – with a quiet confidence and authentic presence.

Yes, we can work to take back control of your overwhelming schedule, prioritising, delegating, managing your energy more effectively. 

There may be days you’re not sure if you’re good enough, maybe you’re hijacked by your Inner Critic and wonder whether you need to work harder or maybe quit while you’re ahead…

Don’t worry, working together we can develop a sense of purpose and direction that guides your choices and allows you to bring your skills to the world feeling more calm and confident, with a greater sense of courage and integrity.

Help yourself!

I’ve created some free resources to get you started.

Am I an Imposter? 

This free ebook has 10 simple questions to help you to self-assess how you are affected by imposter feelings and behaviours.

I reveal three simple and effective first steps to outgrow your imposter today.

There is a part of you that knows you can move beyond imposter feelings…

Am I a Imposter booklet

How to create confidence…

Confident speaking: Learn simple and effective ways you can grow in confidence today:

  • The 4 step process of natural confidence
  • What confidence means for you
  • Three ways to feel more confident
  • Three ways to look more confident.

It really is possible to learn to feel more confident, to be comfortable in your own skin and be your best self when you need.

Confident Speaking cover

How to create more time…

This ebook reveals the real reason things get done – or not. Learn:

  • The art of choosing priorities
  • How action comes before motivation
  • How setting tight deadlines can be key
  • Why permission to take a break can be motivating.

To get different results you need to take different actions… start with a decision to do something different today.

How to create more time cover

Previous coaching clients have said:

I am getting work things done faster with greater motivation and lightness – get it done and move on.

It’s an attitude and skill I have admired in others for a very long time but always felt at a loss as how to emulate it.


I have to tell you that I do not sleep well the night of the call! I thought that tea, coffee and chocolate were to blame but it’s simply that my head is buzzing. Last night I just had to get out of bed and make a to-do-list, just of the things we had discussed.

It was a pleasure to meet you last week – I really enjoyed the session. I have been recommending you to my colleagues non-stop, describing you (if you don’t mind) as exactly “the small gin & tonic” I needed!  I really did get a lot out of it!


Other Ways to Work with Margaret

Buy the Book: "Beyond Imposter Syndrome"

Beyond Imposter Syndrome, Margaret's Best Seller

Amazon Best Seller
Strategies for building confidence and finally feeling good enough.

Online: Getting Stuff Done

A masterclass in time and energy management.

Using strategies that are evidence based, researched and proven to work, you can regain that energy and enthusiasm that brought you to this job/role in the first place.

Online: Imposter Syndrome Sources & Solutions

puzzle pieces about to be put togehter
This four-module programme provides insight and practical tools for women who want to understand and move beyond imposter syndrome feelings and finally tame their inner critic.

Book a call with Margaret

Arrange a simple, no obligation conversation.

Every person is different, their situations unique. If you’d like to explore what could be possible for you, use the online form to arrange an appointment. 

Let’s talk soon!

I wanted to say THANK YOU! Reflecting on your comments about energy management (and not answering emails first thing in the morning) has revolutionised my productivity!

Understanding why I was procrastinating (task too big/ doing the wrong task for my energy) has totally changed my entire perspective and I feel so much more effective for it!


I just wanted to let you know that this course was absolutely fantastic.  Margaret is a superb course leader and it was without doubt the best course I’ve ever been on. I learned:
– Don’t let your inner critic rule
– Be brave, be courageous
– Learn to recognise why you feel like this, how to change your beliefs or actions.
I’d definitely recommend the session.


I came to the workshop with a deep fear of public speaking but left wanting to conquer that fear and perhaps even enjoy the experience in the future. Your calm demeanour and sound advice will, I hope, stay with me and inspire me, not only when called upon to give a presentation but also in day to day life. I really didn’t expect to have so much fun and to come away having thoroughly enjoyed the day!
