3 Nov, 2021 | Blog, Neuroscience, Newsletter
I was on the sofa watching TV. The film, chosen by my sister, wouldn’t have been my choice but I was wanting to engage with her, a sister’s night in, so yes, I’d chosen to watch it with her. On a cushion on my lap, my phone.
22 Oct, 2021 | Blog, Neuroscience, Newsletter
As I approached Bristol on the M4 the speed limit was lowered… this was just between the comfortable ratio for 5th gear and 4th gear. If we stayed AT the speed limit, 5th was fine, if traffic slowed a little I could feel I needed to drop a gear – BUT HOW?!
16 Oct, 2021 | Blog, Neuroscience, Newsletter, Time Management
Our broody hen was a much healthier hen when she couldn’t physically see the coop or the nest box.
If we want to experience significant behaviour change – to learn better habits, to stop unhelpful habits – we need to break that link between the unhelpful behaviour and the environment that supports it.
30 Sep, 2021 | Effectiveness, Neuroscience, Newsletter
Seeing the a selection of sweet snacks and resisting temptation – or not – while deciding whether to have oat or soya in our coffee, with or without foam – this series of decisions really can impact our day. When we do start working we will be more prone to putting off replying to that tricksy email to our Manager, anaylsing the cash-flow figures or engaging with other more cognitively demanding tasks.
28 Jan, 2021 | Blog, Neuroscience, Newsletter
I’m well but very aware that I’ve recently said goodbye to two family friends who died around Christmas time. Funerals
17 Nov, 2017 | Blog, Neuroscience
I recently facilitated a workshop on developing professional networks and networking skills. Surprisingly, the topic that stimulated the most heated debate was that of business cards – to have them or not. A small number of people in the room were great fans, a...