The uncanny similarities between Imposter Syndrome and COVID-19
Imposter Syndrome, first described over 40 years ago in women who were evidently high achievers with a certifiable academic track record but who were very anxious that they would be found out to be a fraud. Imposter Syndrome feelings are still very relevant today and...
The “Do I – Don’t I?” dilemma – is it holding you back?
Imagine the situation: you know a group of your colleagues is organising a get-together, nothing fancy, nothing formal and, in truth you'd rather not go. You're tired, you're busy and, if you're honest, you just can't be bothered right now. But that same group of...
A little bit perfectionistic?
perfectionism. It can be defined as the need to be or to appear perfect. Many people with Imposter Syndrome feelings understand this as they much prefer to appear perfect – or at the very least, good enough – as they fear being found out as a fraud.
The unexpected advantages of Imposter Syndrome feelings
People experience Imposter Syndrome feelings on a spectrum… our feelings of insecurity can prompt us to be prepared, to do the research, put in the work, to make sure that we have done all the prep we can before we meet the challenge.
How’s your “decision juice” looking?
How has your week been? To tell the truth, I’ve struggled at times. Oh, don’t get me wrong. There have been no disasters, mishaps or incidents this last week but oh, have I been aware that something was lacking.
What do you think of my newsletter?
What do you think, how good is my newsletter? Is it your favourite? Am I in the top 5? How am I doing?! Comparing yourself to others - a good thing or not? Comparison is so prevalent. Is this good enough? Am I doing my best or could I have done better? We can be...