Ready for a different perspective on life?
Phew!! This week sees me celebrating a first. The first successful delivery of my online programme Imposter Syndrome Sources and Solutions! I'm still in the slightly shocked phase, processing everything, all the things I had to learn to get the content out and and all...
Life and the ups and downs of a corona-coaster
How are things for you? As I write this we, here in the UK, are beginning to see the ups and downs of the corona-coaster. As virus infections in the UK and many parts of Europe decreased and things looked good, we began to ease lockdown measures which meant increased...
A wasted summer?
My summer, August, is usually fairly relaxed as I rarely deliver training and many coaching clients take a summer break. I often use this time to work on my business, update my workshops, handouts and website... this year, I made me my summer project. I spent more...
What is Imposter Syndrome?
My first Rocketium video explaining that Imposter Syndrome feelings are more common than you think. Because these are "just feelings", they are not instructions for our behaviour, we can acknowledge how we feel and then choose to behave differently. Don't let those...
Are you nice enough or just too nice?
It's rarely a conscious choice for women at work but the truth is, we are often walking a tightrope. Because we don't realise this we too often find ourselves caught up with the rope around our ankles (or sometimes our necks) going nowhere fast. So what is this...
When your heart isn’t in it.
When it comes to personal development there's no shortage of good "how to guides" out there. A quick search online or in your favourite bookstore will reveal a surprising abundance of advice on subjects as diverse as how to manage your time effectively, how to lose...