What Really Makes You Feel Good?
The pursuit of happiness seems to be a 21st century obsession. Often we chase security, adventure, influence, money, status, relationships – or not. Frequently things like gadgets, shoes, books, cars... All these and more are things we think will make us happy. Yet,...
5 Tips for Getting Ahead in a Professional Career
Yesterday I blogged about getting ahead in a professional career. The insights (I hope) are of value to all my readers. Women hoping or planning to succeed in a workplace where currently the senior posts are largely occupied by men might be particularly interested in...
Getting Ahead in a Professional Career
There is a very modern emphasis on getting a good education, a degree, a PhD, a professional qualification to set you climbing the career ladder to success. It feels as if we've been told that this piece of paper attesting to our academic achievement will open doors...
Books on Prescription
I'm really pleased to see that people in England are getting to share some of the privileges which people living in Wales have enjoyed for many years... and no, I'm not talking about an excess of rainfall! Way back in 2003 the Cardiff Books on Prescription Scheme was...
Positive Ageing – healthier and happier
I recently blogged about watching Michael Mosley on a BBC Horizon programme which revealed the measurable and the subjective value of mindfulness meditation. During the programme Michael also mentioned another activity or attitude which could increase life expectancy...
Why Creating the Right Impression is Vital at Work
"Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated." This wonderful quotation is apparently Mark Twain's response to seeing his own obituary published in error at a time when it was actually his cousin who was close to death. It leaves us with a smile and yet another...