The Power of Belief
I suspect that we've all heard of the placebo effect. It's pretty old concept but I first came across it when learning how new drugs were tested to see if they were better than the existing drugs – or any good at all! What we learn from these studies is that being...
I’m not a fan of to-do lists…
"The very idea of writing a to-do list sends shivers down my spine... I mean, how much time have you got?!". "If I had the time to write a list, I wouldn't need to be in a workshop on time management!". Both of these quotes came from participants in a time management...
Work-Life – is that balance or boundaries?
When I first started coaching the subject of Work-Life-Balance was a hot topic. We talked a lot about boundaries, keeping work at work and leaving it all behind a locked office door when you came home in the evening. Work life balance was something tricky to achieve...
Imposter Syndrome (or why I’m not as good as they think I am)
As one of my clients said “You mean there's a whole syndrome and I thought I was the only one?” Have you ever had the experience of walking into a meeting at work, seeing the faces of your peers and colleagues around you and feeling as if you were a child walking into...

Stop complaining, start asking!
Is there something, right now, that you're not happy with? You might know exactly what I mean. It might be that they insist on leaving clothes all over the bedroom floor or dishes in the sink rather than clearing up properly. At work maybe it's that you always get...

When are you ready to get over it?
I suspect you're familiar with a similar situation (so do insert or delete the appropriate word or phrase to complete the sentence): They've said something/done something/not done something, again. They were thoughtless/hurtful/unappreciative/should have known better....