Do you need to grow a pair?

I know most of my newsletter readers are women - and the few men amongst you are indeed very welcome - but I think it's a safe assumption that most of my readers don't naturally have testicles. I was watching a TV programme recently where a junior member of staff was...

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Who fancies faking it?

Who fancies faking it?

Who fancies faking it? I know from many years experience with my workshop participants that this is rarely a popular invitation. So why might we need to "fake it"? At many times in my career I’ve stepped outside my comfort zone into new roles with new responsibilities...

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Does this sound like bragging to you?

Does this sound like bragging to you?

Tell me, does this sound like bragging to you? Imagine a social media post - choose your own favourite brand/platform - I'm sharing a win, celebrating an achievement, posting a link to an article that I've had published or an amazing invitation that I've received......

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Can you care too much?

Can you care too much?

Over the winter I created a number of short videos that I called “Resources for Resilience” on topics I thought would help people create some sense of order and control in their lives in the midst of a winter where overwhelm and burnout were scarily close for many and a deep reality for some

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What does your best self-want?

What does your best self-want?

What if we changed the focus to include what we do want. Our authentic self longs to be seen and yet sometimes we are afraid. Maybe we haven’t yet dared to look beyond that fear to clarify what lies there hidden, unexamined.

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