17 Oct, 2013 | Blog, Inspiration, Life planning, LLP Blog, Personal effectiveness, Personal growth
The pursuit of happiness seems to be a 21st century obsession. Often we chase security, adventure, influence, money, status, relationships – or not. Frequently things like gadgets, shoes, books, cars… All these and more are things we think will make us happy....
15 Aug, 2013 | Blog, Career management, LLP Blog, Personal effectiveness, Women in work
“Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.” This wonderful quotation is apparently Mark Twain’s response to seeing his own obituary published in error at a time when it was actually his cousin who was close to death. It leaves us with a...
5 Aug, 2013 | Blog, Career management, Life planning, LLP Blog, Personal effectiveness
It’s a couple of years since I read about the survey which revealed that for working Brits, Monday was “moanday”. According to a survey of 2000 respondents, we felt worse and moaned more on Mondays than on any other day of the week. How about you? When I was...
19 Jul, 2013 | Blog, Inspiration, LLP Blog, Personal effectiveness, Women in work
I imagine you’ve heard of the acute stress response and figured out it’s probably not good for you. You might know it’s the biological translation of a perceived threat into a series of hormones that plunge the body into fight or flight mode…...
8 Jul, 2013 | Blog, Inspiration, LLP Blog, Personal effectiveness
I suspect that we’ve all heard of the placebo effect. It’s pretty old concept but I first came across it when learning how new drugs were tested to see if they were better than the existing drugs – or any good at all! What we learn from these studies is...
3 Jul, 2013 | Blog, Life planning, LLP Blog, Personal effectiveness
“The very idea of writing a to-do list sends shivers down my spine… I mean, how much time have you got?!”. “If I had the time to write a list, I wouldn’t need to be in a workshop on time management!”. Both of these quotes came from...