When good enough gets a bad reputation

When good enough gets a bad reputation

Many of us are trying to hide parts of who we are at heart, because we fear that other people will think that who we really are isn’t good enough – and yes, we pay a price. Stress, anxiety, exhaustion…

Confidence alone isn’t enough!

Confidence alone isn’t enough!

Confidence – we normally get confidence by seeing ourselves do something. We learn something by practice and as we practice more often, we get better at doing it and the more we do it, the better we get, the more our confidence builds. That’s sort of how it works.



It’s true, our brains are wired for certainty. A lack of certainty tends to trigger a threat response, at least a sense of heightened alertness, maybe increased anxiety or a sense of dread. Fear and anxiety are different. Like many other animals we can sense...
Books on Prescription

Books on Prescription

I’m really pleased to see that people in England are getting to share some of the privileges which people living in Wales have enjoyed for many years… and no, I’m not talking about an excess of rainfall! Way back in 2003 the Cardiff Books on...