When good enough gets a bad reputation

When good enough gets a bad reputation

Many of us are trying to hide parts of who we are at heart, because we fear that other people will think that who we really are isn’t good enough – and yes, we pay a price. Stress, anxiety, exhaustion…

Who fancies faking it?

Who fancies faking it?

Who fancies faking it? I know from many years experience with my workshop participants that this is rarely a popular invitation. So why might we need to “fake it”? At many times in my career I’ve stepped outside my comfort zone into new roles with new...
Don’t wait, do it now!

Don’t wait, do it now!

Some things are just too good not to share. This week, I read an article in the Guardian newspaper, written by Emma Freud, an account of replies that she received to a tweet. And the tweet simply asked, “What is your biggest regret?”. She said even she was...