14 Jul, 2021 | Blog, Newsletter
Whether you want to improve your time management or change the colour of your living room wall, it always starts with a decision. A decision on it’s own isn’t enough… or maybe there are some things that feel like decisions but really aren’t....
7 May, 2021 | Blog, Newsletter
Who fancies faking it? I know from many years experience with my workshop participants that this is rarely a popular invitation. So why might we need to “fake it”? At many times in my career I’ve stepped outside my comfort zone into new roles with new...
15 Oct, 2020 | Blog, Newsletter
How are you doing this week? I’ve had an exciting time with my new cohort of “Imposter Syndrome Sources and Solutions” participants. It is so rewarding to see people as they have that moment of insight… “Ah, yes, that…!”. We...
6 Oct, 2020 | Blog, Newsletter
I’ve had a very busy week launching my group coaching programme “Imposter Syndrome Sources and Solutions” and doing that has caused me to step outside my comfort zone on several occasions. I’ve actually delivered several Facebook live teaching...