22 Oct, 2021 | Blog, Neuroscience, Newsletter
As I approached Bristol on the M4 the speed limit was lowered… this was just between the comfortable ratio for 5th gear and 4th gear. If we stayed AT the speed limit, 5th was fine, if traffic slowed a little I could feel I needed to drop a gear – BUT HOW?!
6 Oct, 2021 | Blog, Newsletter, Time Management
I came across this great quotation: “Plans are worthless, but planning is everything.”. American army general and statesman, Dwight D. Eisenhower seems to be re-working a peacetime version of something written in an earlier letter, “In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless but planning is indispensable.”
7 Jul, 2021 | Blog, Newsletter
I hate to admit it but I missed my MoT date! I don’t know what happened. I was so surprised to get the notification – my MoT was due and I hadn’t even registered it. If you’d asked me I’d have confidently told you it was due at the end of...
30 Apr, 2021 | Blog, Imposter Syndrome, Newsletter
How are you doing this week? I do hope you’ve been able to enjoy a little of the brighter spring weather and the lifting of the lockdown restrictions. It makes such a difference doesn’t it?! Reading some of the opinion pieces about our responses to coming...
19 Mar, 2021 | Blog, Newsletter
What if we changed the focus to include what we do want. Our authentic self longs to be seen and yet sometimes we are afraid. Maybe we haven’t yet dared to look beyond that fear to clarify what lies there hidden, unexamined.