28 Sep, 2021 | Newsletter
Many of us are trying to hide parts of who we are at heart, because we fear that other people will think that who we really are isn’t good enough – and yes, we pay a price. Stress, anxiety, exhaustion…
26 Nov, 2020 | Blog, Newsletter
How are things this week? I’ve been busy delivering training workshops from my spare bedroom-turned Zoom room. I really am blessed to know I can deliver so much of my business via video and people still get the value of my content. I know it’s not the same...
1 Oct, 2020 | Blog, Newsletter
How are you doing? Hope all is well with you and yours… I confess to being slightly hampered by a sprained ankle at the moment – definitely slowing me down and making me think about things differently. Also the passing of US Supreme court Justice Ruth...
6 Sep, 2020 | Blog, Newsletter
Imagine the situation: you know a group of your colleagues is organising a get-together, nothing fancy, nothing formal and, in truth you’d rather not go. You’re tired, you’re busy and, if you’re honest, you just can’t be bothered right...