My tired brain needs a mason jar salad

My tired brain needs a mason jar salad

Seeing the a selection of sweet snacks and resisting temptation – or not –  while deciding whether to have oat or soya in our coffee, with or without foam – this series of decisions really can impact our day. When we do start working we will be more prone to putting off replying to that tricksy email to our Manager, anaylsing the cash-flow figures or engaging with other more cognitively demanding tasks.

That is a very bad habit!

How are things this week? I hope you’re well and looking forward to finishing the week on a high note. I’m still getting to grips with work, so much to do, the personal and professional fighting for my attention – I suspect you can imagine the situation....
The impossibility of doing it all

The impossibility of doing it all

Do you ever wish you could do it all? I start most of my Time Management training workshops by reminding people that “Doing it all” is not the goal of my training. In my professional area It’s not really possible for someone to do everything, the best we can plan for is to do the most important things. So the skills I share include how to prioritise as much as how to manage time.