29 Aug, 2013 | Blog, Career management, Life planning, LLP Blog, Women in work
There is a very modern emphasis on getting a good education, a degree, a PhD, a professional qualification to set you climbing the career ladder to success. It feels as if we’ve been told that this piece of paper attesting to our academic achievement will open...
15 Aug, 2013 | Blog, Career management, LLP Blog, Personal effectiveness, Women in work
“Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.” This wonderful quotation is apparently Mark Twain’s response to seeing his own obituary published in error at a time when it was actually his cousin who was close to death. It leaves us with a...
12 Aug, 2013 | Blog, Inspiration, LLP Blog, Personal growth, Women in work
I wrote a blog post about The Imposter Syndrome recently and had a number of people contact me privately to confess that they knew exactly what I meant though they never knew that the way they had been feeling had a name, let alone that it might be so prevalent. Until...
31 Jul, 2013 | Blog, Career management, Inspiration, LLP Blog, Women in work
Following on from my earlier post wondering whether women want a successful career in Academia, I’d like to consider if the path to promotion is fair all the way to the top in (or out of) Academia. The answer to this is I think is complex but a qualified, no....
29 Jul, 2013 | Blog, Career management, Life planning, LLP Blog, Women in work
As my background is as a researcher in the biological sciences, I keep a keen eye on developments in that area – and sometimes there are disappointingly few. Over the years I have seen the debate on gender in the workforce occasionally make a blip on the ratings...
19 Jul, 2013 | Blog, Inspiration, LLP Blog, Personal effectiveness, Women in work
I imagine you’ve heard of the acute stress response and figured out it’s probably not good for you. You might know it’s the biological translation of a perceived threat into a series of hormones that plunge the body into fight or flight mode…...