My tired brain needs a mason jar salad
Seeing the a selection of sweet snacks and resisting temptation – or not – while deciding whether to have oat or soya in our coffee, with or without foam – this series of decisions really can impact our day. When we do start working we will be more prone to putting off replying to that tricksy email to our Manager, anaylsing the cash-flow figures or engaging with other more cognitively demanding tasks.
When good enough gets a bad reputation
Many of us are trying to hide parts of who we are at heart, because we fear that other people will think that who we really are isn’t good enough – and yes, we pay a price. Stress, anxiety, exhaustion…
To the spider in my cupboard…
Hi there, Yes, there’s a spider in my cupboard. There’s pretty much a spider, maybe many, in most rooms in my house now - and my car. Spidery September. Seems worse this year or is it just me? Mostly I waft away their webs with my fluffy thing on a stick. I capture...
Filthy, sweaty and very, very happy
How has your week been? I do hope you’re enjoying the summer, maybe getting a break or a least a change if a rest isn’t quite on the cards. My week has been more challenging than usual. My sister’s care support team has taken a hit with two out of three carers being...
That sneaky little Researcher!
How are you doing? I hope you're feeling a little happier and more comfortable this week. I'm based in the UK and last week was a scorcher here in Cardiff. Everything is a few degrees cooler, a little welcome rain is helping the veg garden - and the weeds - flourish...
Not even close to perfect
I have to admit, it's nowhere near perfect! As I listened to the video I'd just recorded, there was a raspiness to the audio track - it looks like my microphone was just too close to my lapel and there was some feedback thing going on that affected the sound...